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ELI Assessment and Customized Debrief

Become more conscious of the energy you bring to your life and your work.

1 h
350 US dollars
In Person or Virtual

Service Description

Energy Leadership Index (ELI) Assessment Bruce Schneider, founder of IPEC, developed the 7 Levels of Energy framework as a part of creating clients’ conscious awareness of their leadership energy in their businesses and in their lives. Clients gain insight around how their own energy affects their employees and learn how to use positive-energy leadership techniques to engage with and motivate their workforce. A tailored debrief to delve deeper into the findings, raise awareness, change perspectives, enhance problem-solving, and increase social interaction completes the process. • Among the desired outcomes are: -better relationships -improved self-awareness on a personal and professional level -enhanced communication -knowledge of how one's energy levels affect others

Contact Details

+1 734-7943080

Located on the third floor 455 East Eisenhower Parkway suite 300, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

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